Alcohol Beverage

​On December 6th, 2023, Governor Evers signed 2023 Wisconsin Act 73 resulting in significant alcohol beverage law (Chapter 125 of the Wisconsin Statutes) changes. Every industry tier is impacted (producers, wholesalers, and retailers). From producers making full-service retail sales to "Class C" wine license changes, there is something for everyone

Act 73 also created, as of May 1, 2024, a Division of Alcohol Beverages. Our team is working tirelessly to implement law changes and create the new division. The On Tap newsletter provides useful information on many items and a helpful chart on effective dates of the new permits, reports and other provisions

Check this web page for updates to forms, instructions and published guidance which will be posted as available.

Wisconsin Legislative Council's Informational Memorandum and ha​s more background information.