Electronic Real Estate Transfer Return Training/Help

​​​eRETR Submitting

How to file an eRETR and tips on completing the return

How to save and restore a file for completion, review and submission


New User Registration Instructions:

Managing Assessment Staff in eRETR:

User ID and Password Recovery (Forgot your password)

Accessing Real Estate Transfer Returns:

Provide Assessment Data (PAD) System:

Government Offices

New User Registration Instructions:

Real Property Listers - Verify Official Parcel Numbers (OPN) on the eRETR filings

Register of Deeds - Record an eRETR

Register's Recording Criteria

Staff eRETR Data Instructions Manage User Instructions:

User ID and Password Recovery (Forgot your password)

Using the Treasurer's Transmittal

Contact Us

Wisconsin Department of Revenue
Local Government Services Bureau – MS 6-97
PO Box 8971
Madison, WI 53708-8971
Phone: (608) 264-6885 or (608) 266-1594
Fax: (608) 264-6887
Email: RETR@wisconsin.gov