Real Estate Transfer Fee Common Questions A to Z Listing

​​​​ Adverse Possession | Agent | Agent to Principal | Air Rights/Aviation Easement

Bankruptcy | Boyfriend/Girlfriend

Chapter 128 - Receivership Sale | Condos (Condominiums, Dockominium, Garageominiums) | Confidentiality | Conversion of Entities | Corporations | Corrections (before Register of Deeds recording) | Corrections (after Register of Deeds recording) | Correction Instrument/Affidavit of Correction

Date of Conveyance | Deed of Trust | Deeds - Filing | Deeds - Multiple | Developers | Domestic Partners | Domestication

Easement | Exchange in Property | Exempt from Filing Return

Farmland | Federal Revenue Stamp | Fees | Financing | Foreclosures

Gifts | Government Agencies

Improvements on Lease Land | Interest Exchange

Joint Tenancy

Land Contracts | Lease | Legal Descriptions | Life Estates | Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Merger of Entities | Mineral Rights | Mobile Homes

Non-Profit Organizations

Parcels | Parent Child | Partition | Partnerships | Penalties | Personal Property

Railroads | Receipts | Refunds | Relocation Industry

Security for a Debt | Sheriff Sales | Short Sales | Social Security Numbers | Spouse-to-Spouse Conveyances

Tax Foreclosure | Termination of Decedent's Property Interest Form (HT-110) | Timber, Minerals, Air Rights | Timeshares | Transfer by Affidavit | Transfer Fee Miscellaneous | Transfer on Death Deed (TOD Deed) | Trustee Deed | Trusts

Value of Property (subject to transfer fee)

Will, Descent or Survivorship


Contact us at RETR@wisconsin.g​ov.

A-Z Listing

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H-J
L   M   N-P   R   S   T  V-W