Equalized Value Reports

August 9, 2023

To: County Clerks and Municipal Clerks

This is a reminder that the Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) made a change to our distribution methods for specific equalized value reports. On August 15, 2023, DOR will email you the three reports listed below as attachments. DOR began emailing these reports to county and municipal clerks in August 2022.

DOR will email you these reports

A municipality must submit this form to receive its video service provider aid payment even if the municipality is already receiving the aid

General Information

  • County Equalization Report
  • Assessed/Sales Ratio Analysis Report
  • Fielded Sales Summary Report

These reports will still be available on our website

  • County Apportionment
  • Statement of Changes in Equalized Values
  • Net New Construction
  • TIF District reports


Contact the district office in your area.