2023 Provide Assessment Data (PAD) System is open

June 1, 2023

To: Statutory Assessors and Public Assessors

The Wisconsin Department of Revenue's (DOR) Provide Assessment Data system (PAD) is open. You can now enter 2023 assessment information for 2023 sales.

2023 PAD Changes

There are no changes to the PAD system for 2023

Entering PAD Data

2022 Sales

  • Sales that were not available in PAD before March 3, 2023 are now available
  • Indicate if these sales are useable as arm's-length transactions
  • If useable as an arm's-length transaction and the 2022 conveyance date is:
    1. Correct – reject the sale for ratio purposes using reject code 78 (prior year's sale)
    2. Incorrect – (the sale was conveyed during 2023), and the sale is useable for ratio, enter the corrected date in the "comments" field

Split Parcels

  • Split parcel sales can be arm's-length transactions
  • Verify the new parcel # for the sale parcel
  • You must reject all split parcel sales for DOR ratio analysis – use ratio reject code 71
  • Legal description on the assessment roll does not match legal description on the Real Estate Transfer Return (RETR)
  • Sales will not have separate 2023 assessments for the parcels

Electronic File Transfer

Reminder – PAD does not provide a complete list of sales

  • Sales that are automatically rejected based on information provided on the RETR are not included (ex: gifted property, exempt from fee, partial interest sales)
  • Visit the eRETR site to review or download a complete list of sales within a municipality
  • Access electronic transfer returns by:
    1. Date recorded
    2. Date of posting
    3. County document ID
    4. County/municipality
    5. Download county wide assessment data

Contact your Equalization Bureau District Office if a sale is:

  • Recorded in the wrong municipality
  • Not in the PAD system because it was automatically rejected and is discovered to be useable

If you have questions, contact the Equalization Bureau District Office in your area.