Division of Income, Sales and Excise Tax

Division Administrator: Susan Dukes

Telephone: (608) 266-9397

FAX: (608) 261-6240

Deputy Administrator: Jennifer Dambach

Telephone: (608) 261-7680

Deputy Administrator: Kyle Duerstein

Telephone: (608) 267-3247

The Division of Income, Sales and Excise Tax (IS&E) administers individual income, employee withholding, corporate franchise/income, state and county sales/use, estate, excise, recycling and other tax programs. It also administers the homestead, farmland preservation, earned income and other tax credit programs. The division's mission is to promote voluntary tax compliance, identify and address noncompliance, provide excellent service, and promote fairness and equity in tax administration. The division has approximately 825 permanent employees.


Includes the Office of Technical Services and the Office of Criminal Investigation.

Office of Technical Services -- directs Division legislative and rule-making activities, coordinates the administration of state tax programs, develops tax forms, publications and administrative rules, leads implementation of law changes, and provides rulings on tax issues.

Director: Nate Weber

Telephone: (608) 266-8025

Office of Criminal Investigation -- conducts criminal investigations of individuals suspected of violating Wisconsin tax laws and assists in the prosecution of the offenders. Responsible for enforcing Wisconsin's cigarette, tobacco and vapor product laws.

Director: Justin Shemanski

Telephone: (608) 266-0286

Audit Bureau

Audits income, sales, withholding, motor vehicle fuel and other excise tax returns, and homestead, earned income and farmland preservation credit claims. The bureau encourages taxpayer compliance through office and field audits that may result in assessments and refunds as appropriate. The bureau provides taxpayer information and assistance.

Bureau Director: Denise Everson

Telephone: (414) 227-4858

Audit Bureau

2135 Rimrock Road, PO Box 8906 Mail Stop 5-257

Madison, WI 53708-8906

Telephone: (608) 266-2772

FAX: (608) 267-0834

Compliance Bureau

Collects all delinquent taxes and collects debts for state agencies, counties and municipalities through refund interception. With the Audit Bureau, it provides taxpayer information and assistance.

Bureau Director: Laura Clegg

Telephone: (608) 266-8222

Compliance Bureau

2135 Rimrock Road, PO Box 8901 Mail Stop 4-206

Madison, WI 53708-8901

Telephone: (608) 266-7879

FAX: (608) 261-6226

Customer Service Bureau

Provides accurate and understandable information by responding to taxpayer inquiries, proactively educating customers about the Department's programs and ensuring that Department forms and publications are well-designed and customer friendly.

Bureau Director: Amanda Mosel

Telephone: (608) 266-1653

Customer Service Bureau

2135 Rimrock Road, PO Box 8949

Mail Stop 5-77

Madison, WI 53708-8949

Telephone: (608) 266-2772

FAX: (608) 267-1030

Tax Operations Bureau

Annually processes over 7 million individual and business tax returns and documents while collecting over $9 billion in Wisconsin tax revenues. Issues over 2.3 million refunds totaling almost $2 billion and additional tax assessments exceeding $60 million each year.

Acting Bureau Director: Amanda Mosel

Telephone: (608) 266-1653

Tax Operations Bureau

2135 Rimrock Road, PO Box 8903

Mail Stop 3-258

Madison, WI 53708-8903

Telephone: (608) 266-2772

FAX: (608) 224-5758

Division of Income, Sales and Excise Tax

Wisconsin Department of Revenue

PO Box 8933 Mail Stop 6-40

Madison, WI 53708-8933

Telephone: (608) 266-2772 -- FAX: (608) 261-6240

February 27, 2025