Unclaimed Property

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Search Unclaimed Property 

How to Claim Property

This is an overview of the claim process. Not all steps are shown. Use the "Next" button on the bottom of each screen to move on. Use the "Previous" button to go back. You can save a draft and resume filing a claim at any time by clicking "Save Draft." Write down the Confirmation Code you receive. This Code is only valid for 60 days. When you resume filing your claim, you must click on the "Continue Editing" link to make changes or continue with your submission.

Locator Information

A locator is a person who has a contract with another person to be compensated to locate, deliver, or recover property or assist in the location, delivery, and recovery of property.

  • Select "No" if you are filing your own claim
  • Select "Yes" if you are a locator filing a claim on behalf of the claimant
  • Then click Next

Select Relationship to Property

You must choose your relationship to each property in the claim. See additional guidance on selecting the correct relationship type in the document Relationship Types and Documents Needed. When all properties have a relationship type entered, click Next.

Enter Claimant Information

  • Enter your current first and last name
  • Enter your social security number OR your Wisconsin driver's license number
  • Enter your date of birth
  • Enter your current phone number, email, and street address
  • Verify the address entered by clicking on the "Verify Address" link below the state field
  • Click Next

  • Attach at least one document for your claim to be reviewed, preferably your Government ID
  • If you do not have proof of the address associated with the property, check the "Check if already provided" box. We will do our best to find this information. We will contact you if needed.

      Enter Direct Deposit

    • Click the "Yes" button if you would like to receive a direct deposit. We cannot deposit funds into foreign bank accounts.
    • Enter your bank account information.
    • For paper check, leave the fields blank and click the Next button.

    • Agreement

      Read the agreement notices and enter your first and last name to affirm you are the rightful claimant to the property on this claim.


      Enter your email address and confirm it on the confirmation screen. You will receive a follow up email once your claim is submitted.

      Final Confirmation Screen

    • Enter and confirm your email
    • Record the confirmation number for your claim (this will also be provided in a follow up email)
    • Use the Print Claim button to view your claim. You can print or "Print to PDF" to save the document for future reference.

  • Allow up to 12 weeks to review your claim
  • Check the status of your claim by clicking this button: Check Claim Status button
  • You will need the confirmation or claim number and zip code from the claim

For examples of acceptable documents, see Acceptable Documents on our website.

  • You are the same person as the owner named on the property, including properties with multiple owners.
  • Documentation needed:
    • Proof of social security number
    • Government ID
    • Proof of address associated with property being claimed

The owner named on the property is a business. The business may be active, dissolved, or sold.

Documentation needed for active business

  • Proof of FEIN
  • Proof that the person filing the claim has the authority to do so
  • Proof of address associated with the property being claimed
  • Proof of affiliation if current business name is different than the property owner name

Documentation needed for dissolved business

  • Proof of FEIN
  • Government ID of person filing the claim
  • Proof of social security number of the person filing the claim
  • Proof of address associated with the property being claimed
  • Copy of dissolution records
  • Documentation of percentage of business ownership

Documentation needed for successor business

  • Proof of FEIN
  • Government ID of person filing the claim
  • Proof of address associated with the property being claimed
  • Copy of buy/sell agreement
  • Proof that you have a legal, beneficial, or equitable interest in the property

You, the claimant, have been legally appointed to take care of a minor child or adult that is the named owner on the property.

Documentation needed:

  • Proof of social security number for the named owner of the property AND the claimant
  • Government ID for the named owner of the property (if available) AND the claimant
  • Court document showing proof of guardianship

Documentation Needed for Claimant

  • Proof of social security number
  • Government ID
  • Proof of current address

Documentation Needed for Deceased Owner (decedent) of the property being claimed

Depending on your answer to various questions throughout the claim, some of the documentation below may or may not be specifically requested. We recommended you provide as much of the following documentation as possible to prevent delayed processing of the claim. Additional information or documentation may be requested during the claim review. Do not send original documents.

You are the named custodian of a property that was gifted to someone who is currently under the age of 18.

(If the minor is now over age 18, you cannot claim the property. They must file their own claim.)

Documentation Needed

  • Proof of claimant's social security number
  • Government ID of claimant
  • Proof of minor's social security number
  • Minor's birth certificate

You had property gifted to you as a minor under the Uniform Gifts to Minor and are now age 18 or older.

Documentation Needed

  • Proof of social security number
  • Government ID
  • Proof of address associated with the property being claimed

You are named in a court judgment allowing you to claim the property of the listed owner.

Documentation Needed

  • Proof of social security number for named property owner
  • Judgement information
  • Proof of FEIN for claimant/creditor
  • Statement of account or document showing balance due

Your government agency is listed as the owner of the property

Documentation Needed

  • Proof of FEIN
  • Proof of address associated with the property

The following are examples of acceptable documents. See the last 2 items for help on how to submit the documents and upload requirements. Photocopies of most documents are acceptable. Please do not mail original documents to DOR, unless requested.

  • Driver’s license or State ID
  • Passport or Passport Card
  • Military ID
  • College ID

  • Driver's license or State ID
  • Utility bill
  • Bank or insurance statement
  • First page of a tax return
  • Property tax bill or lease

If you move after your claim is filed, upload proof of your new address to your claim by using the Submit Additional Claim Documents link.

  • Driver's license or State ID
  • Birth or marriage certificate
  • Cancelled check
  • Utility bill
  • Bank or insurance statement
  • First page of tax return
  • Property tax bill or lease

Note: We may be able to verify a previous address while reviewing your claim. If we can't verify, we will contact you.

Complete Form A-222, Power of Attorney and attach to the claim if you wish to have another person speak to unclaimed property staff or act on your behalf.

We will not accept a Power of Attorney form from a locator.https://www.revenue.wi.gov/dorforms/a-222f.pdf

A legal document that holds assets on behalf of a beneficiary or beneficiaries.

  • You must submit a full copy of the trust
  • If the trust is still active/open, submit proof of the FEIN or tax identification number of the trust
  • If the trust is closed/inactive, include a statement saying it is closed

Legal court document that authorizes a person to act as a personal representative on behalf of an open estate. Submit the court document and the tax identification number of the open estate.

For faster processing, it is recommended to upload and attach the documents with your claim (see instructions below). However, documents can be provided in any of the following ways:

Prepare your documents by scanning or taking a picture of the document. Documents must be in the following file types: .BMP, .JPG, .PDF, .PNG or .TIF, they cannot exceed 30 MB, and they cannot be password protected.

Scan your documents using a copy or fax machine: Create an electronic version of a requested document by scanning the document into your computer using the scanner and software of your choice.

Take a picture with a mobile device: Most cell phones allow for taking and saving a picture. Here are instructions for scanning documents using a mobile device.

Apple Devices

Apple Image Link. How to scan documents using apple devices

iPhone, iPad or iPod

How to scan documents on your iPhone, iPad or iPod

Android Devices

Android Image Link. How to scan documents in google documents.

Android Devices

Scan documents with Google Drive

On the Documents page during claim submission, select "Attach Document" for the proper document type. Then follow these steps:

  1. Enter a short description for the attachment, such as Driver's License or Government-Issued ID
  2. Use the "Choose File" link to locate the document on your device
  3. Select the document and click "Open" to fill the appropriate file name into the location box
  4. Click "OK"
  5. The screen will refresh with information showing the 1 document(s) attached
  6. Repeat these steps for each document being attached.

    NOTE 1: If you provide an attachment that addresses several requested items of documentation, check the box(es) indicating the information was already provided.

    NOTE 2: You can add additional documents not specifically listed by selecting "Add Attachments"