What is the Innovation Grant program?
The Innovation Grant program (sec.
79.038(1), Wis. Stats.), created under
2023 WI Act 12, is designed to provide funds to counties, municipalities, and tribes (transferor) that implement an innovation plan to completely transfer one or more of the allowable services/duties (see Question 5) to another county, municipality, tribe, nonprofit organization, or private entity (transferee).
How and when can we apply for the Innovation Grant?
Your county, municipality or tribe may submit an application to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR). To apply, e-file the Innovation Grant application through
MyDORGov once the form is available. DOR expects the Innovation Grant application to be available in July 2025.
- Nonprofit organizations and private entities are not eligible to receive grant funds directly from DOR
How is the awarded amount for an Innovation Grant determined?
- If the innovation plan involves – only counties, municipalities, or tribes:
- Grant amount each year is equal to 25% of the total costs of providing the service/duty for the calendar year immediately preceding the transfer as outlined in the agreement/contract, excluding the costs paid by the highest cost entity involved in the innovation plan
- If the innovation plan involves – the transfer of the service/duty to a nonprofit organization or private entity:
- Grant amount each year is equal 25% of the total costs of performing the transferred service/duty incurred by the county, municipality or tribe transferring the service/duty for the calendar year immediately preceding the transfer
- Note:
- No county, municipality, or tribe may receive more than $10 million each year
- DOR can award a total of $300 million in Innovation Grant funds, under state law (sec.
79.038(1)(c)2., Wis. Stats.)
What happens if our Innovation Grant application is approved?
If awarded, you will receive the grant funds payment in three installments – one each fiscal year beginning in fiscal year 2026 (July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026).
What are the allowable services/duties qualifying for the Innovation Grant? Are any services/duties prioritized over others?
Under state law (79.038(1)(e)1., Wis. Stats.), DOR must give priority to innovation plans realizing savings for public safety, fire protection, and emergency services while maintaining the appropriate level of the services.
Allowable services/duties:
a. Public safety, including law enforcement, but not including jails
b. Fire protection
c. Emergency services
d. Courts
e. Jails
f. Training
g. Communications
h. Information technology
i. Administration, including staffing, payroll, and human resources
j. Public works
k. Economic development and tourism
l. Public health
m. Housing, planning, and zoning
n. Parks and recreation
What supporting documentation should we submit with our Innovation Grant application?
The following general requirements must be met:
- A copy of the agreement/contract must be submitted to DOR, signed by the transferor and transferee, stating one or more allowable service/duty is being transferred with the signature date on or after the November 13, 2024 Administrative Rule notice date for Innovation Grants
- The agreement/contract signed by the transferor and transferee must show the transfer will yield a projected savings of least 10% of the total cost of providing the service/duty
- Transferor must have provided the service/duty being transferred for the calendar year prior to the transfer
The agreement/contract must include:
- List of the service/duty to transfer
- Signature date on or after the November 13, 2024 Administrative Rule notice date for Innovation Grants
- Length of the agreement/contract (must be for a minimum of 6 years)
- For the transferor – the total cost of providing the service/duty to the county, municipality, or tribe transferring the service/duty, in the calendar year prior to the transfer. Note: The total cost includes the cost of wages, fringe benefits, training, and equipment of providing the service/duty.
- For the transferee – if it is a county, municipality, or tribe, provide the transferee's total cost of providing the service/duty in the calendar year prior to the transfer of the service/duty. The total cost of providing the service/duty includes the cost of wages, benefits, training, and equipment of providing the service/duty.
- Amount the transferor will pay to the transferee for the length of the agreement/contract
- Explanation of how the transfer will yield a projected savings of least 10% of the total cost of providing the service/duty
- Details regarding how the grant funds will be allocated to counties, municipalities, or tribes that are party to the agreement/contract
- For public safety, fire protection, and emergency services - a stipulation that the service or duty being transferred will maintain the appropriate level of such service
Which entities can a county, municipality, or tribe transfer a service/duty to in order to be eligible for an Innovation Grant?
A county, municipality, or tribe that qualifies for the Innovation Grant can transfer one or more service/duty to a county, municipality (village, city, town), tribe, nonprofit organization, or private entity (ex: business).
After we submit our Innovation Grant application, when does DOR notify us of the determination?
DOR Staff:
- Reviews/evaluates all the submitted grant applications and contacts you if we need additional information or clarification on what you provided
- Currently, DOR is determining the schedule for awarding and distributing the Innovation Grant funds and will share more information as it becomes available
Is the merging of a service/duty among entities eligible for the Innovation Grant?
To be eligible for the Innovation Grant, an application must involve the transfer of a service/duty entirely from a county, municipality or tribe to another entity. A joint merged service between municipalities is allowable. One option would be to have a joint merger that created a new entity or district. Another option would be to have a joint merger with an existing entity or district.
If approved, who will receive the Innovation Grant funds?
DOR will award the Innovation Grant funds per the agreement/contract, which must specify the allocation of the Innovation Grant funds between the counties, municipalities, or tribes that are involved in the transfer.
How should we determine the costs for volunteer firefighters and volunteer emergency medical technicians when providing cost information in the agreement/contract for the transfer?
For detailed information on determining these costs, visit our
Innovation Grants page and review
determining fair market compensation and
median hourly wage by county under the Innovation Grant Resources. The total cost of providing the service/duty includes the cost of wages, fringe benefits, training, and equipment of providing the service/duty.
What type of monitoring/auditing will follow the awarding of the Innovation Grant and how may that impact payments to the entities in the agreement/contract?
Approved applicants of the Innovation Grant must certify to DOR that the county, municipality, or tribe did realize the below after receiving the first grant distribution.
- Within 24 months – achieved half the projected savings under the innovation plan
- Within 36 months – achieved the full amount of the projected savings under the innovation plan
Is there a penalty if we do not realize (achieve) the cost-savings?
Yes. DOR is required to audit a minimum of 10% of the grants awarded after 24 months of the first distribution of the grant.
If a county, municipality, or tribe did not achieve its required savings, the next grant payment is reduced by an amount equal to the difference between the amount of savings that must be realized, and the actual amount of savings realized.
How can we spend our grant proceeds?
Grant proceeds are unrestricted and may be spent on any activity/project approved by the local governing body. As the grant proceeds are not permanent recurring funding, DOR recommends avoiding the use of these funds for operational or personnel expenses that would result in a reduction of your county or municipal levy limit.
Can a municipality or tribe transfer a service or duty to a Regional Planning Commission (RPC) in reference to an Innovation Grant?
No. A municipality or tribe cannot transfer a service or duty to an RPC for the Innovation Grant. Under state law (sec.
66.0309(8)(a)2., Wis. Stats.), an RPC's function is solely advisory to the local governments and local government officials in its region.
However, a municipality or tribe can consult with an RPC for the Innovation Planning Grant, to research and plan its innovation plan.
For additional details on an RPC's role, review sec.
66.0309(8), Wis. Stats.
Who do we contact with questions regarding the Innovation Planning Grant or Innovation Grant?
Contact the Wisconsin Department of Revenue at
lgs@wisconsin.gov, (608) 266-1932, or (608) 266-5815.
Contact Us
MS 6-97
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
Local Government Services Bureau
PO Box 8971
Madison, WI 53708-8971
Fax: (608) 264-6887
Email: lgs@wisconsin.gov
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