List of Certified Municipal Assessment Help

​​​​Currently certified Wisconsin Assessor 1 or 2 with an interest in helping municipalities perform revaluations should submit this form. Make sure to select the areas of the state where you will be available during the next year. If you have any questions, contact us at or (608) 266-7750.

Assessor Name is a required field.
Certification Number is a required field.
Business Name is a required field.
Taxpayer's email address is a required field.
Address is a required field.
City is a required field.
State is a required field.
Zip code is a required field.
Enter Telephone number with dashes as xxx-xxx-xxxx
Enter FAX number with dashes as xxx-xxx-xxxx

*Please check the area(s) you will be available during the next year

Please choose atleast one option from checkbox
Taxpayer's question/comment is a required field.