Form 3-PV Wisconsin Partnership Payment Voucher

(Go to for electronic payment options)

Name is a required field.

Enter Telephone number with dashes as xxx-xxx-xxxx

Partnershipname is a required field.

FEIN is a required field. Enter FEIN without hyphen


Taxpayer's address is a required field.

Taxpayer's state/province is a required field.

Taxpayer's city is a required field.

Taxpayer's zip code is a required field.

This payment is for tax period:

Enter in MM/DD/YYY format
Enter in MM/DD/YYY format ; ending →Enter in MM/DD/YYY format

You are required to make your payment electronically if your net tax on your prior year’s returns was $1,000, or more.

Amount is a required field. Amount cannot exceed 8 digits before decimal and 2 digits after decimal