September 15, 2021
To: Statutory Assessors, Public Assessor List
The Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) would like to remind you to electronically file (e-file) your final or amended Municipal Assessment Report (MAR) by Friday, October 1, 2021, if your 2021 Municipal Board of Review has adjourned sine die.
Filing Information
MAR e-file form
Why should I file a final MAR by October 1?
- Once you file the report, DOR can determine your municipality's preliminary 70.05 major class compliance if the final 2021 Statement of Assessment (SOA) has also been filed and processed
What if I do not file a final MAR by October 1?
- We cannot determine your municipality's preliminary 70.05 major class compliance
- We will include the compliance status in the final compliance report issued in February 2022
Contact the
district office in your area.