2023 Preliminary Major Class Comparison Report Available Online

November 1, 2023

To: Statutory Assessors, Assessors
County Clerks, Treasurers, Real Property Listers
Municipal Clerks and Treasurers

The Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR), State and Local Finance Division posted the 2023 Preliminary Major Class Comparison Report (sec. 70.05 Assessment Compliance) on our website.

Preliminary Compliance Calculation

To receive a 2023 preliminary compliance calculation, a municipality needed to file these two reports by October 2, 2023:

  • 2023 Statement of Assessment (SOA)
  • Final 2023 Municipal Assessment Report (MAR)


  • SOA must be error free to use for compliance measurement
  • If the municipality did not file its 2023 information by October 2, the 2023, compliance is not displayed in this report and the preliminary compliance status appears as non-compliant
  • If the 2023 compliance is not included in the preliminary report, DOR will review the late filed MAR and/or SOA in January and will include the compliance on the Final Major Class Comparison Report
  • If the Final Major Class Comparison indicates a municipality is in compliance, DOR will rescind any notices issued due to incomplete information

Note: DOR will send the rescind notices when we post the Final 2023 Major Class Comparison Report in February 2024.


Contact the district office in your area.