May 28, 2021
To: County Clerks
The Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) updates our local government official contact list in odd numbered years. This list's accuracy is important since it is used by DOR and other state agencies to distribute payments, reports and correspondence to local governments. As a county clerk, we require your assistance to ensure the list's information is current and accurate.
Review/Update Instructions
Follow these instructions to access and review your county's spreadsheet for errors and outdated and/or missing information. Send your completed spreadsheet to DOR by the June 30, 2021 deadline.
- Visit DOR's
2021 Local Government Official Update web page
- Open your county's spreadsheet and save it to your computer
- Review all local officials' information
- In columns M through Z – enter updates for the appropriate official (ex: Change in official's name, street address, phone number, or email address)
- Email completed worksheet as an attachment to
- Enter "2021 Local Official Update" in the subject line
Due June 30, 2021
Contact us at