2022 TID Reports Available

September 27, 2022

To: TIF List, County Clerks, Treasurers and Real Property Listers, Certified Assessors, Municipal Clerks and Treasurers

(Please disregard this message if you do not have a Tax Incremental District (TID) in your municipality)

The Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) posted the 2022 TID Certification Report and Environmental Remediation TID Report to our website.

Each report contains:​

  • 2022 TID current value
  • Certified TID base value
  • 2022 TID increment

Reports are sorted by:

  • Municipality/county – co-muni code
  • School, special districts and technical colleges – alphabetically by district
  • Environmental remediation – co-muni code


Contact us at tif@wisconsin.gov​.​