September 29, 2023
To: Special Districts
Technical Colleges
The Wisconsin Department of Revenue, State and Local Finance Division posted the final 2023 Equalized Value Reports (schools, technical colleges, special districts) listed below on our website.
Posted Reports
Certificates of Equalized Values
- Certificates are available for each taxing jurisdiction
- Most commonly used for loan purposes
- Provides the TID In equalized value
Fall School District Certification of Equalized Values – Tax Apportionment
- In alpha-order by school district
- Provides the TID In and TID Out equalized values, and the TID Out Percent-to-Total for each school district
Technical College Certification of Full Equalized Values
- In alpha-order by technical college
- Provides the TID In and TID Out equalized values, and the TID Out Percent-to-Total for each technical college
Special District Certification of Equalized Values
- In alpha-order by special district type (ex: lake management, metro sewer, sanitary district)
- Provides the TID In and TID Out equalized values, and the TID Out Percent-to-Total for each special district
- Indicates whether the special district is coterminous with the municipality
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