February 28, 2024
To: Statutory Assessors, Public Assessor List
County Real Property Listers, Treasurers, Clerks and Register of Deeds
Municipal Clerks and Treasurers
The Wisconsin Department of Revenue's (DOR) Division of State and Local Finance (SLF) is pleased to announce the appointment of Chuck Paskey as the Director of the Equalization Bureau.
Chuck has been with DOR since 2013, starting as a Property Assessment Specialist (PAS) and most recently serving as the Madison District Equalization Supervisor. Prior to working for DOR, Chuck spent 18 years in the municipal assessment field as a property appraiser and deputy assessor and was an active committee member with the Wisconsin Association of Assessor Officers.
We are excited to have Chuck in his new role.
Contact Information:
Chuck Paskey, Director
Equalization Bureau
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
PO Box 8971, MS 6-97
Madison, WI 53708-8971
Email: charles.paskey@wisconsin.gov
Phone: (608) 261-4900