April 26, 2017
To: Ad Valorem Taxpayers
The Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) would like to remind you of the upcoming filing deadlines.
If you have already filed your form or request for extensions you may disregard this notice.
May 1
Reports due by May 1, 2017
- AC-001 Airline
- PI-001 Oil Pipeline
- PF-001 Gas Pipeline
- CR-800 Conservation / Regulation
- MP-800 Association of Municipal Electrics
Note: If you need to request an extension see below
To request an extension
- Visit the appropriate forms page on our
website. To request an extension, click "Extension" underneath the list of forms.
- When requesting the extension, enter the file code located in the upper right corner of the May or November billing notice
- Print the confirmation email after you submit the request
Note: DOR will apply a non-appealable late filing penalty to all reports filed after the due date without an extension.
If you have any questions, contact us at
Thank you