March 7, 2017
To: Manufacturers, Real Estate Owners and Preparers
Note: Disregard this reminder if you have already filed your 2017 M-Form.
IMPORTANT NOTE TO RECIPIENT: Your email address is associated with the manufacturing account identified in the subject line as an authorized user within the Wisconsin Department of Revenue's (DOR) Manufacturing Assessment System (MAS).
If you are the current manufacturing property owner
- Log in to MAS and review the authorized users for your account(s)
REPLY to this email and identify the names/emails of current authorized use(s) you would like to remove from the account(s)
If you were an authorized user – who is no longer associated with this account
REPLY to this email to request your removal as an authorized user from the manufacturing account identified in the subject line
Filing M-Forms late
- All manufacturers are required by state law to file the 2017 Manufacturing Property Return (M-Form) by
March 1, 2017. You received this message because the manufacturing property assessment account identified in the subject line of this email and associated with this email address
did not:
- File the required 2017 (M-Form) by the
March 1, 2017 due date;
- Request a filing extension by the deadline. Extension requests are no longer available.
- Log in to our Manufacturing Assessment System (MAS) to verify the status of the manufacturing property assessment account referenced in the subject line
Filing penalty
Electronically filing (e-file) your M-Forms
DOR recommends
e-filing your 2017 M-Forms through our Manufacturing Assessment System (MAS).
Note: Late e-filed M-Forms may be e-filed after the
March 1, 2017 due date. The MAS system automatically time stamps returns when the preparer designates the form as complete. Penalties are assessed based on the e-file date.
E-filing benefits
- E-filing is secure and allows you to prepare, save, file, view and print your returns
- Authorized users can file returns
- For more M-Form information, related common questions and instructions, visit our
Manufacturers web page
Paper-filed returns
Paper-filed returns are not considered properly filed unless they:
- Contain the completed cover page including signatures and all required schedules
- Are filed on the state-prescribed
printable forms that are located on our website
Note: Late paper M-forms mailed to the appropriate Wisconsin Department of Revenue
(DOR) Manufacturing & Utility Bureau District Office are charged a penalty based on postmark date.
For other questions on filing M-Forms, late-filing penalties or manufacturing property assessment, contact your
Manufacturing & Utility Bureau District Office.