In February 2009, the Wisconsin Department of Revenue will unveil a new on-line service, known as My Tax Account, for business tax filers. This service will expand the functionality available for business tax filers and their representatives to interact with the Department of Revenue (DOR).
What will My Tax Account allow taxpayers or their representatives to do on-line?
- Electronically file original or amended tax returns and make payments for the following tax programs: sales and use tax, premier resort area tax, local exposition tax, rental vehicle fee, and withholding tax.
- See the history of these same tax accounts, such as returns filed and payments made, regardless of filing or payment method.
- Review the information on file, such as name, address, or email address, and submit requests to update that information.
- View and print copies of selected notices and correspondence previously sent by DOR.
- Initiate certain kinds of requests, such as requesting an extension of time to file a return or applying for an installment payment agreement.
- Authorize their tax practitioners to take these actions for them.
How can taxpayers sign up for My Tax Account and authorize their representative to act for them?
- The registration process, including authorizing a representative, can be completed entirely on-line.
- The taxpayer must register first by clicking on the "Register" button for My Tax Account on DOR's web page, Wisconsin Department of Revenue, and following the online instructions.
- The taxpayer will need to have the following information available to register for My Tax Account:
- The legal name under which the business is registered,
- One of three identification numbers for the account, either the Wisconsin Tax Number (10 digits), the Federal Employer's Identification Number or the Social Security Number,
- An email address,
- The zip code of the address that the business is registered under, and
- Specific information about the tax account for which access is being requested, including the Wisconsin Tax Account Number (15 digits) a line entry from one of the last three returns filed for that account.
- As part of the registration process, an email will be sent to the taxpayer's email address containing information needed to complete the registration process. This email will be sent within a few minutes after the registration process is completed, allowing the taxpayer to sign into My Tax Account immediately.
- Once the taxpayer has registered for My Tax Account, a representative can obtain access by going through the following steps:
- The representative has to register for My Tax Account under his or her own name and identification number and request authorization for the tax accounts of his or her customer. Within a few minutes, an email will be sent to the taxpayer's email address notifying the taxpayer that the request has been made.
- The taxpayer then needs to sign on to My Tax Account to authorize the third party access request. The representative will receive an email within minutes of the completion of this authorization.
- The taxpayer can choose to authorize their representative at one of four different levels: View, File, Pay, or File and Pay.
What if I currently use DOR's Sales Internet Process (SIP) to file my sales tax returns?
- You will need to transition to using My Tax Account over the next few months. SIP will no longer be available after June 5, 2009.
- A link will be provided on the SIP home page to information about the steps you must take to transfer your registration to My Tax Account.
- Once you have transferred your registration to My Tax Account, you will be able to take advantage of the expanded functionality described above.
- No new registrations to use SIP will be accepted after February 2, 2009.
What if I use DOR's EFT registration and payment system to make my withholding tax deposits?
- You will need to transition to using My Tax Account over the next year. You will no longer be able to make withholding tax deposits through the EFT Registration and Payment System after December 31, 2009.
- Watch for instructions on how to reregister on the DOR website.
- No new registrations to use the EFT Registration and Payment System for withholding tax will be accepted after March 1, 2009.
What are the advantages of using My Tax Account?
- You can electronically file all of your business tax returns and make payments in one place, maintaining one registration.
- You can e-file and pay tax due for tax programs that previously did not have on-line options (premier resort area tax, local exposition tax, and rental vehicle fee).
- You can view information about all returns and payments, rather than just those that were filed through a particular method.
- You can send electronic requests to DOR for common activities, such as changing your address, obtaining an extension to file a return, inactivating your account, or requesting an installment payment agreement.
Please check the Department of Revenue website at over the next few weeks for further information about the unveiling of My Tax Account in February 2009.
January 23, 2009