The federal Internal Revenue Service has changed the extended due dates of certain partnership and fiduciary returns. This change reduces the extension period from six to five months. The change was made to ease the burden on taxpayers who must report information from Schedules K-1 and similar documents on their individual tax returns.
Wisconsin law provides that any extension of time granted by the Internal Revenue Service for the filing of a corresponding federal return extends the time for filing the Wisconsin return. Therefore, the federal change in the extension period also applies for Wisconsin. As a result, the previous six-month extension of time to file a partnership or fiduciary return no longer applies for Wisconsin. A five-month extension of time to file is allowed for filing Form 2,
Wisconsin Fiduciary Income Tax for Estates and Trusts, and for filing Form 3,
Wisconsin Partnership Return.
This change is effective for extensions with respect to tax returns due on or after January 1, 2009.
February 12, 2009