COVID-19 Request for Relief - Questions and Answers


​​​​​​​​​The department may grant waivers and extensions to taxpayers that request COVID-19 relief for certain returns and payments due in 2020. Information about this relief is provided at in an article titled "Taxpayers May Request Extensions and Waivers During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency​." This document provides additional information about this relief.

Applicable Laws and Rules

This document provides statements or interpretations of the following laws and regulations enacted as of April 21, 2020: Chapters 71, 77, 78, and 139, Wis. Stats., secs. 66.0615, 196.025, and 323.10, Wis. Stats., and secs. Tax 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, and 11, and sec. PSC 172, Wis. Adm. Code.

Laws enacted and in effect after April 21, 2020, new administrative rules, and court decisions may change the interpretations in this document. Guidance issued prior to April 21, 2020, that is contrary to the information in this document is superseded by this document, pursuant to sec. 73.16(2)(a), Wis. Stats.

​​​Contact Us

MS 5-77
Wisconsin Department of Revenue​
Customer Service Bureau
PO Box 8949
Madison, WI 53708-8949
Phone: (608) 266-2776
Fax: (608) 267-1030
Email: ​ ​

Guidance Document Number: 100267

April 21, 2020