Tax Increment Worksheet

  1. ​​​​What is the Tax Increment Worksheet (TIW)?

  2. Who needs to file the TIW?

  3. How do I file the TIW?

  4. What is the deadline to file the TIW?

  5. Where do my values come from for filing the TIW?

  6. What if an auto-filled apportioned levy is missing or incorrect?

  7. Which levy amount from the TIW should I use to calculate property tax mill rates – Column A (Apportioned Levy) or Column E (Levy Amount)?

  8. I found an error on my TIW; can I fix it?

  9. What happens if I use the wrong levy from the TIW in my mill rate calculations?

  10. Do I need to provide a copy of the TIW to the county?

​Contact Us

MS 6-97
Wisconsin Department of Revenue​
Local Government Services Bureau
PO Box 8971
Madison, WI 53708-8971
Fax: (608) 264-6887
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